uploads/river wall.jpg

river wall 河堤。


Construction of sewers and the north - east river wall and site formation work at tai o , the road improvement works for cheung chau old town , and the reclamation , road and drainage works at yung shue wan , lamma island are in progress 大澳污水渠與東北河堤建造工程及地盤平整工程、長洲舊墟道路改善工程,以及南丫島榕樹灣的填海、道路及渠務工程,均在進行中。

They crossed to the metal bridge and went along wellington quay by the river wall 他們橫過馬路來到鐵橋跟前,沿著河堤邊的惠靈頓碼頭走去。